
Beer labels


I've got a brew in the fridge waiting to drink and 5 bottles ready to label up, my first brew back in November 2021 I bottled the brew in to 40+ bottles and I wanted to label them up so purchased a pack of sticky labels and using google sheets made up some labels like this

The labels turned out fine with the bottling date and the ABV, I also numbered each bottle, but as I used sticky labels when it came to cleaning the labels were a bastard to remove.

The next brew I did I didn't use any bottles, I just filled the kegs, but for the brew after that I filled only one keg and with the remainder I filled 5 bottles, I wanted to label the bottles again but this time as I only had 5 bottles I wanted to try something different and found a website called using this site I designed my labels for free.

I was sorting out my sticky label paper and working out the best way to print the labels, when I came across an article talking about printing on normal paper with a laser printer and sticking the labels to the bottles with "milk" that can't be right but I would give it a go, I set up my laser printer and printed out 5 labels, then soaked the back of the label in milk and stuck them to the bottles, I can't believe it worked.

My bottle filling skills with the party dispenser are not very good, I think I need a bottle filler, time to buy a bottle wand.